Thursday, November 17, 2005

A Blast from the Past

After much planning, I met with two very old friends last night. One is a cousin, and the other is a girl I was friends with back in gammar school. In both cases, the last time we'd seen each other was about 28 years ago, at the baptism of my oldest son, and the meeting was brief; the last time we'd really talked was over 40 years ago.

It seemed strange to be together after all of this time. They were the only two people I had really been close to, as a youngster. I remember my surprise when I'd discovered that my cousin, who was also my dear friend, was the cousin of my other dear friend from school. We were cousins on our fathers' side, they were counsins on their mothers' side.

And last night - we closed Longhorn's in Portland, with a promise to do it again soon, and we will. I'm sure we will. We all three find ourselves at the same "time" in our lives, with many of the same thoughts, the same concerns. Will we be "good" for each other? Right now, I'm not so sure ... we have way too many "hurts" in common, I think.

Of the many things we shared, what amazed me the most is that we're basically the same people we were 40 years ago. I recognize the same attitudes, the same way of seeing life ... we just seem to be a lot more jaded ...

When I was diagnosed two years ago, I went through some radical changes. I think I've broken every paradigm I ever had ... yet these dear old girls tell me that I haven't changed since they last knew me well - over four decades ago. It makes me wonder if all of my "changes" are hidden inside, or if perhaps I had changed before my illness, and now I've gone back to being who I was originally ...

I'm not sure it really matters.

Thank you, blog land, for letting me share this little "bump" in the road of my life.


Blogger AB5SY said...

Laughter and friendship is healthly, I am happy to see a door from your past has opened and you were after all these years able to bridge the gap of time.

I noticed several additions to your blog, it's looking great, wished I had known more about picking the template before I grabed and ran with what I now have.

You had asked where I get the junk I post on mine, here and there, as I browse the web I may see a picture, news article, etc and one of many silly ideas begin to formulate. At the present time, I have 2 months of material saved as drafts to be used for each day between now and Jan.1st. I did not plan it that way just happen...

Thursday, November 17, 2005 7:13:00 PM  

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